A properly prepared Individual Federal Tax Return can save unnecessary future unwanted communication with the Internal Revenue Service. This will preserve your peace of mind by assuring that your tax return has been prepared properly and accurately by an I.R.S. Enrolled Agent utilizing current tax law changes and strategies to save your tax dollars.
Let our staff take the burden off your shoulrders by making this tax season an effortless and smooth process. Simply pick up the phone and schedule an appointment for your complimentary and no obligation individual tax analysis today. Our staff will inform you of your current tax situation and analyze the best strategies for your filing needs.
Our staff's goal is to maintain a personalized one-on-one confidential relationship with you. If at any time you have any questions or concerns regarding your tax needs all you have to do is contact us. Call today to schedule your appointment as appointment availability may become limited during tax season and as tax deadlines approach.
To assist you in preparing the documentation you may need to file your return, please call for a free tax organizer which will provide you with a checklist of necessary documents. Further more, after-hours and Saturday appointments are available by appointment only.
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